meet Sawyer
the husband
who you will rarely find with anything less than a smile on his face.
things about Sawyer:
he has a degree in welding
He could spend every day coyote hunting + would never get tired of it
he has the actual worst memory of anyone you have ever met
he will eat almost anything, besides Bell peppers
he liked me first, REGARDLESS of what his version of that story is

best friends
2009–2013 like every good love story goes, we were besties first. we listened to all of each other’s stupid relationship drama for a solid four years before we decided maybe we should try out the whole feelings thing. we were both single at the same time for the first time in those four years. and by single, I mean the night I got my heart broken. Sawyer met me at a park bench with a box of Oreos and listened to me cry all night without ever once complaining or making me feel ridiculous. that’s when I decided maybe he could be boyfriend material.
I like you
2013–2014 I spent a solid stubborn year refusing to have a title or use common relationship terms like “love you” because we are the unconventional type when it comes to how a relationship typically goes down. throughout that year, there were countless park dates full of Oreos, deep talks, ice cream, and dance lessons. after I finally learned how to swing + line dance in the street at the park, he decided I was girlfriend material.
boyfriend / girlfriend
2014–2018 he spent the next four years DETERMINED to out-stubborn my pre-boyfriend/girlfriend ways before deciding maybe forever seemed like an alright idea. I swear any time anything close to an engagement hint was dropped (not only by me but by anyone) he would add on at minimum of six months.
2018–2019 to be honest, by anniversary FOUR, I gave up the thought of ever being engaged. I wrote it off as staying boyfriend/girlfriend and saying “I like you” for the rest of our lives and that was that.
then one July evening, by chance on the same date as that first night, he took me back to the park and asked me about forever. I’d love to put the icing on the cake and tell you what he said but to this day I can’t remember a single word aside from the first “I love you.”
when I thought it couldn’t get any better… two and a half months later he surprised me with the session from the photographer that was behind the tree to capture the whole thing.
I was asked once what my most prized possession was. I can say without hesitation, my engagement ring.