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oh, hello there

we're gonna be great friends

my name is Alecia Amber, and I am a big believer in the power of storytelling through photos. your life is so much more than one sunny afternoon session, it’s a million little moments beautifully strung together through time.

my job is to capture those memories as they’re written, freezing them so you can relive them time and again, just like rereading your favorite book.


Western Nebraska is home

and the mileage on my car is proof that I love roadtrips. where are the pages of your story written? what place is meaningful to you? where do you love to be?

send an address + I’ll meet you there.


questions answered


Are we a good match?

photography is not “one style fits all,” and that’s true for both of us. my clients prefer natural-looking photos, have a go-with-the-flow mentality, and want to document their life with their own personal storyteller. if you’re looking for traditional studio portraits, over-edited photos, and might get offended if I accidentally swear – I’m probably not your gal, and that is just fine.

where are you located?

in the heart of the Nebraska Sandhills + wouldn’t have it any other way. it’s a hop, skip, and jump away from three small towns and about forty country miles north of East Jesus Nowhere.

what is your style?

classic. simple. vibrant.

expect your session to be laid-back, relaxed, and about 1-2 hours. don’t stress if things don’t feel like they’re going according to plan – life is messy and sessions are too. I shoot every shot four times: horizontal, vertical, close-up, and wide. for someone who won’t decide where we’re going out to eat, I like to have options when it comes to the perfect picture.

my editing is like your favorite laundry detergent: blacks are gonna be black, and whites are gonna be white. I saturate natural colors and enhance natural light. Photoshop and I are friends when it comes to removing distractions and perfecting what’s already there. Instagram filters ain’t got nothin’ on me.

When can i expect those pics?*

two weeks after the shoot, you’ll have your proofing gallery.

the sooner you make your selections, the quicker I can start editing (hint: this part’s up to you).

give me two more weeks for full edits, and they’re all yours.

*I’m at the mercy of my husband and Zoeyy, so this timeline isn’t always guaranteed.

how many images will we take?

I reward myself with chips + guac if I can fill a memory card in one session. you won’t see the ones where the kid is screaming or the husband’s eyes are closed, it’s my job to filter those out – you’ll pick your favorites from a gallery of 50-100 images.

I’m sold + ready to book, now what?

let’s get you on the schedule!


your experience


getting ready

answer client questionnaire

pay session fee

plan your wardrobe, as many outfit changes as you want

  • look for solid colors, small prints + patterns, and lots of textures

  • avoid big prints + patterns, big logos, and the color red (jk)



anywhere located within 60 miles roundtrip is free

not sure about a location? text it to me and I’ll nerd out over lighting

I have many location options in + around North Platte

outdoor is my preference, though I have a simple indoor studio option


packing list

my natural + simple approach usually means little-to-no props – but family heirlooms, sports jerseys, and meaningful memorabilia are ayokay

bring your dog (this is not optional)

gals: don’t forget jewelry, touch-up makeup, and hairspray

guys: clean off your shit-covered boots and bring a beer (if you’re of age)


you’ll receive

*new packages coming soon!* sign up for the email list to learn more. sneak peek:

  • matted prints

  • digital files

  • albums

  • wooden prints

oh, and one last thing – I’ll ask you to submit a review form.

